Sunday, March 11, 2007

John and Matthew's new chicken coop!!!

Norm built it for them, and everybody calls it the "Coop de Ville".

At night, they huddle under a special light to keep warm....

This rooster kept his eye on me and followed me the whole time I was taking pictures......

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Linda and Ken are in Florida...

They trailered their new boat to Ft.Meyer's Beach where they will stay the month of March. Check out this sunset out their back door! In April and May, they are motoring up the inland waterways back to Connecticut. To follow them on their journey, here is their blog site:

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

We went to Washington D.C. for a few days........

The Washington Monument........

The Holocaust Museum was very sobering.......

On vacation, Peter always has a map in his hand.

The Capitol Building.....

We always think about Bubba when we see lion statues..........

The back side of the White House...

The ceilings of the Washington Metro......

Peter can always find something French where ever he goes.........

Peter opened his fortune cookie, and this is what he true after spending three days in art museums.......