Monday, July 30, 2007

It is hard to keep a good man down..........

We walked down to Bree and Alex's house for an early morning cup of tea.


Anonymous said...

We were so happy to see you both this morning and I must say that Peter look so good, he may have trouble convincing anyone that he's not yet ready to get back on a ladder! We'll hope to see you again this know that there's an endless supply of tea in the Samuel Peck House :)

Bree and Alex

Anonymous said...

We are so proud of Peter and his positive spirit! Good for you! Peep!

Anonymous said...

Peter, I'm so proud of you and your spirit. So very glad things went well. Sending my love to you and your lovely wife!

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see you, walking as always, but what happen, were is "ta casquette"??
Bisous de nous 3 - Carole

Anonymous said...

What's in the bag?

Solveig said...

To anonymous's question: "What's in the bag?" Reveal yourself and I will share the secret.

B said...

Yay!! Peter looks marvelous!! :) So glad you're doing well, and can't wait to come back down and help out in the trees!

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Dad! Chamomile and codeine for a Monday morning.