Saturday, February 21, 2009

Jake goes "full-tilt-boogie" all day outside; and when he comes into the house at night...he is tired! (make sure your sound is on)


Anonymous said...

WOW! Not only is Jake absolutely adorable but your talent in putting this together is amazing, dear Solveig!


Anonymous said...

"Jake had been in a diabetic coma for three days before anyone noticed. He was subsequently and adorably used on the living room mantle as a bookend."

Seriously, though, great video. Who doesn't love baby Jake?

Anonymous said...

Super cute!

Anonymous said...

We want jobs as Hayward Farm cats.

Cindy & Bill

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this very nice video ! This cat is so cute, i like the picture on wich we can see Jake resting near a basket of apples. It looks like the cat is for sale...

What about another one with Hortense ? Taking pictures of hortense while she's asleep must be easy... the challenge should be taking pictures while she's chasing mice.


Anonymous said...

Is there something in the apples over there? He sure knows how to sleep. Very cute. Thanks!